SPM Vaish - Philanthropist


The true meaning of philanthropy encompasses much more than simple acts of charity or giving. It embodies a deep commitment to making a positive and lasting impact on society, driven by compassion and a genuine concern for the well-being of others.

SPM is a Philanthropist in a true sense. Giving back to society has long been a part of Indian culture, and it’s inspiring to see some of our spiritual leaders and top entrepreneurs carrying on this tradition and virtue. SPM is no different. He believes in a society where all people can live their best lives. His purpose is to help end cycles of corruption, illegal practices in education, exploitation in healthcare, cheating and frauds in real estate sector , women’s security  at their workplaces, human values most precisely in new generation and all , caring of senior citizens at homes itself by their legal heirs instead of encouraging more old age homes ,illegal and unlawful activities in the name and shed of NGOs  and in every sphere of life by enabling equitable opportunity for people and societies to thrive. Ending cycles of corruption in India is an enormously complex challenge that cannot be solved alone, quickly or with simple solutions. It’s why Surya Prakash collaborate with people, communities and organizations who like him, believe in a world where all people can live their best lives free of corruption, biased and irregular practices.

SPM embodies the true spirit of philanthropy through his multifaceted approach to addressing social issues. His work focuses on various initiatives such as education, healthcare, real estate sector, female foeticide (ek apraadh), girl child education, rural development and organic farming in Bharat Desh etc.